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Poultry Production

Mount Barker Chickens

Mount Baker Chickens needed to transport feed from their silos to their feed truck (Stage 1)

The Challenge

The on-farm outload system previously using a large mobile auger was crushing the different feed products to dust & Mt Barker were having high feed wastage and lower weight gain by birds.

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The Solution

The on-farm outload system previously using a large mobile auger was crushing the different feed products to dust & Mt Barker were having high feed wastage and lower weight gain by birds.

The Results

The automated outloading feed line operation to fill Feed Truck with a 2-speed control for moving the 3 different types chicken feeds (starter crumble/Grain Mix/Finisher Pellet) into an 8 cubic meter transfer truck that then delivers to the 26 free range eco shelters dotted around the landscape & in between rows of grain.

The Benefits

The deliveries of fed can now be made by a range of personnel due to automated inload augers.  Additionally, the manual (OH&S Risk) handling risk of moving large heavy transfer augers has been removed and the poultry production has seen 50% increase in grower weight and good consistency of weight gains in the finish of the Mt Barker Free Range Chickens.